Reconnect with the OUISoc
We are committed to organising a wide and inclusive range of events specifically for alumni throughout the year, presenting an opportunity for you to return to the University and reconnect with the OUISoc.
Our alumni are always welcome to return to the OUISoc at any time and attend lectures, talks and events.
More importantly, alumni are able to reunite with their peers and have the chance to meet the current students.
Support Us
The OUISoc facilitates a significant part of university life for our members and we hope to continue running memorable events and useful services. The generosity of OUISoc alumni continues to benefit current students and help the OUISoc flourish.
Donating to the society is a great way to stay involved, help shape the future direction of the OUISoc, and support current students.
We recognise that support can be given in a variety of ways and greatly appreciate any assistance you are able to give.
If you have any further questions, please contact the Alumni Officer at alumni@ouisoc.org.