Access & Outreach
As-salaamu alaikum! (Peace be upon you!)
Welcome to our Access and Outreach homepage! At OUISoc, we are deeply committed in supporting prospective students in reaching their full potential and increase Muslim representation at Oxford. Our aim through access work is to demonstrate that coming to Oxford is an attainable goal for Muslims, whilst at the same time an opportunity to strengthen one’s iman (faith).
We understand that the prospect of coming to Oxford can seem daunting (many of us in OUISoc were in this position not that long ago), and this is why we have a dedicated Access Team to work with schools and colleges to help students with applications, tackle common misconceptions and engage with parents.
Many Muslims across the UK often come from minority ethnic, low-income backgrounds and are underrepresented. We aim to bridge the gap and inspire students, raising their aspirations and demonstrate that coming to Oxford can be a real attainable goal.
Through our various workshops, we hope students leave with a greater understanding of the application process and a realistic appreciation of what life is like as a Muslim at Oxford so that they can make an informed decision about applying to Oxford.
By representing current Muslim Oxford students as role models, we hope that prospective students too will be able to influence and bring about positive change to the people and society around them.
All of our resources, guides, events and workshops have been created and are presented by current Muslim students to bring the most relevant experience and advice when it comes to applications and moving to Oxford. Have a look at our Alternative Prospectus, Subjects Guides and Admission Exam Guides down below!
Our flagship event, the Oxford Muslim Access Conference (OMAC), takes place every year that offers tailored support to Muslims considering an Oxbridge application. At OMAC, we combat myths through subject workshops, application advice from admission tutors and panel discussions with alumni. Browse through our latest OMAC Impact Report to get a sense of the work that has been done in the past.
Feel free to contact us below and check out our social media channels to get the latest news and updates about OUISoc and our access work, and join our ever-growing community in supporting Muslims!
OUISoc Access Initiatives 2023/24
Have a look through our access schemes for this academic year, insha’Allah. The Access Initiatives gives a breakdown of the Access Team, who we support and the access work we do at OUISoc.
OUISoc Alternative Prospectus
Check out our Alternative Prospectus created by current students – our very own guide for incoming Freshers and prospective students. It explores the role of OUISoc, the various social events we organise and the insight to university life as a Muslim at Oxford.
Oxford Muslim Access Conference
The Oxford Muslim Access Conference (OMAC) is our annual event delivered by students to tackle misconceptions about Oxford. OMAC offers application advice, subject taster workshops, panel discussions and alumni networking to aid the transition from sixth form to the University of Oxford.
Subject Advice Guides
Browse through our Subject Guides to get an overview of your course, what it includes, possible career paths and recommended reading to get that edge against other applicants.
Admission Exam Guides:
Some courses at Oxford require you to undertake an admission exam as part of the application process. Check out our guides to see the format of these tests and some top tips from current students.
School Visit Application Form:
Are you a school or college interested in the work we do? The Access Team at OUISoc can offer a variety of workshops including general student life at Oxford as a Muslim and the role of OUISoc. Click the link and sign up!
Feel free to drop us an email if you have any queries at outreach@ouisoc.org
Are you a school or college interested in the work we do? The Access Team at OUISoc can offer a variety of workshops including general student life at Oxford as a Muslim, the role of OUISoc, and engaging with parents. Email us at outreach@ouisoc.org to find out more!
Why not follow our social media to stay up to date with OUISoc via Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.
Instagram: @oxforduniisoc @ouisoc_access
TikTok: @oxforduni_isoc
YouTube: @OUISoc
Please browse through our Access Initiatives for this academic year. This document provides a breakdown of what the OUISoc Access Team is, who we support, the impact of the work we have done, and what plan to do, insha’Allah.
Have a look through our YouTube channel for many informative Q&A’s as well as videos and recordings of past events and religious talks hosted by our society.
Support us
If you’re interested in supporting OMAC or our wider outreach work, including regional events and school visits, we would love to hear from you! To get in touch, please email outreach@ouisoc.org.